Does Phentermine Cause Hair Loss?

does phentermine cause hair loss

Several people turn to phentermine for their weight loss goals. Phentermine is a popular prescription medication touted for its appetite-suppressing and fat-burning effects. While it has shown positive results in several individuals, the drug is also blamed for a wide range of potential side effects.

One of the most popular side effects associated with phentermine is hair loss. This article helps you understand the link between phentermine and hair loss and how to mitigate this effect.

So Does Phentermine Cause Hair Loss? Read this article and gain knowledge that will help you make an informed decision about your weight loss journey.

What Is Phentermine?

Phentermine is a prescription medication designed for weight management. It is classified under sympathomimetic amine drugs, known for stimulating the CNS to suppress appetite. The medication is often prescribed alongside a strict diet and regular exercise for optimum results for those seeking to lose weight and stay lean.

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The Common Side Effects of Phentermine

Like several other prescription medications, phentermine is also associated with various common side effects. While most of them are temporary, giving them enough attention and management is necessary to avoid severe conditions.

The side effects include increased heart rate, dry mouth, hair loss, and insomnia. Nevertheless, hair loss has grabbed many people’s attention because it is associated with an individual’s physical looks.

Can Phentermine Cause Hair Loss?

The answer is yes. The use of phentermine is often linked with hair loss. While not every user can fall victim to this side effect, it helps to acknowledge its potential occurrence. Several reasons are linked to the connection between hair loss with phentermine.

The reasons mainly include stress induction, hormonal changes, and nutrient deficiencies. We recommend seeing a healthcare professional prior to the use of phentermine treatment for personalized assistance with alleviating its impact on hair loss.

Why Does Phentermine Cause Hair Loss?

As already highlighted before, three main reasons why the use of phentermine treatment can lead to hair loss are hormonal changes, stress, and reduced nutrient intake.

To begin with, phentermine can cause fluctuations in oestrogen and testosterone levels. Consequently, the normal hair growth cycle may be disrupted. Likewise, the medication’s stimulant effects can lead to increased stress and anxiety. These two are known triggers for hair loss.

With regard to nutrient intake, phentermine may affect nutrient absorption because of its appetite-suppressing qualities that can lead to reduced food intake. When this happens, the intake of essential vitamins and minerals that the hair needs for healthy growth is limited.

How to Reverse Hair Loss from Phentermine?

If you’re a victim of hair loss caused by phentermine treatment and looking for ways to get out of the situation, you have several options. For example, you can change your diet to ensure it is rich in nutrients essential for hair growth.

Such nutrients include but are not limited to biotin, vitamin D, zinc, and vitamin A. However, before taking any measures, we recommend that you first see your healthcare provider to discuss the issue and explore the best mode of treatment.

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Tips for Managing Hair Loss During Treatment with Phentermine

Use Gentle Hair Care Techniques

Use Gentle Hair Care Techniques

To begin with, we recommend using mild shampoos and keeping off high-heat styling. Using gentle care avoids additional stress on fragile hair while alleviating the risk of further damage.

Consider Topical Treatments

Consider Topical Treatments

Use topical treatments like minoxidil for your hair. Such treatment options can strengthen hair follicles and encourage hair regrowth. But, before using any topical treatment option, it is important to check with your doctor to ensure that it is the best one for you.

Observe Scalp Hygiene

Always ensure that your scalp is clean and well-moisturized to create the best environment for hair growth. Proper hygiene also supports the recovery of hair follicles.

Use Hair Friendly Hairstyles

Hair-friendly hairstyles are those that do not pull on the hair and stress the follicles. They also minimize the risk of hair breakage, especially for those with weaker hair strands. Consider using them to evade the highlighted effects.

Seek Expert Assistance

Apart from putting the measures above into practice, consider visiting a dermatologist for personalized advice. They have more knowledge about managing your hair to ensure it stays healthy and shiny.

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Does Hair Grow Back After Phentermine?

Hair loss due to the use of phentermine is not often permanent. So, yes, your lost hair can grow back after the use of this prescription medication. All you need to do is address the underlying factors and adjust or discontinue the medication according to your doctor’s advice.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How to Prevent Hair Loss on Phentermine?

If you want to minimize the risk of hair loss due to the use of phentermine, you have several options. Please consider maintaining a balanced diet rich in hair-supporting nutrients, managing your stress, or consulting your healthcare provider for more advice on what best to do about it.

Can Phentermine Cause Hair Loss?

The answer is yes. Hair loss is a potential side effect of phentermine. The prescription medication has a negative impact on hair growth hormones, nutrient absorption, and stress levels, impacting the healthy and normal growth of hair.

Is Hair Loss from Phentermine Permanent?

Mostly, the answer is no because, with the right interventions, the condition is reversible. Some of the interventions that we recommend include adjusting your dosage of the medication, adopting healthy haircare habits, and working on your stress levels.

What Is the Most Common Side Effect of Phentermine?

Apart from hair loss, some of the most common side effects of using the phentermine medication are nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, insomnia, and dizziness, to mention a few.


In conclusion, while phentermine is an effective medication with positive weight loss effects, it also comes with several side effects, like hair loss, that you should know about.

Understanding what causes this phenomenon and considering taking the right steps to alleviate the medication’s impact can help you achieve your weight loss goals while preserving the health of your hair. Therefore, if you want to start using phentermine, remember that making informed decisions and opting for a holistic approach to health is key to a successful weight loss journey.


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