5 Effective Home Remedies For Hair Loss

Most people are very fond of their hair, and that is why hair care products sell like hot cake all over the world. Everybody loses a certain amount of hair everyday; the estimate is around 80 strands for the average adult. This is not something to worry about; it is a normal and natural occurrence. There are, however, cases where the rate of hair loss might be so high that the body cannot replace what is lost fast enough and, as a result, leading to thinning and formation of bald patches, which to say can be quite unsightly.

Hair loss is caused by various factors including unhealthy diet, deficiency of nutrients, hormonal changes and age just to mention a few. When faced with such a situation, the first thing most people are likely to do is rush to a store that sells hair care products. While there are many products out there that work, this is not the best option available because for one; these products cost money. There are also some which have been proven to cause unpleasant side effects. The good news is that there is a much better alternative in the name of hair loss home remedies.


As mentioned, contributes to hair loss is mineral/nutrient deficiency. Vitamins are particularly very vital in maintaining healthy hair in quite a number of ways. Vitamin A, for example, promotes sebum production; Vitamin E keeps hair follicles healthy while Vitamin B promotes the production of melanin which is the compound responsible for giving hair color. The great thing about vitamins is that they are readily available in every-day foods. Make it a point to consume several servings of fruits and vegetables every single day and you will definitely see an improvement. Contrary to what some believe, you don’t have to take vitamin supplements in order to achieve the daily recommended intake; you can get all you need naturally.

Garlic and Onions

These two contain sulphur which promotes collagen production. Collagen, as you might be aware, is one of the components that make up hair. Garlic and onions are particularly ideal for people who have bald patches. The idea here is simple; rub the affected portion of the scalp until it reddens, after doing so, apply some honey; do this twice a day.


It is impossible to talk about hair loss home remedies without touching on coconut. As you probably know, most hair products contain coconut extracts and for good reason. This hard-shelled fruit is laden with very vital nutrients that will get your hair growing back in no time. Coconut also softens existing hair hence making it less prone to breakage; another factor that contributes to overall hair loss. Basically, what you need to do is grate the white edible part and then grind the resulting shavings. By doing this, you will be able to squeeze out coconut milk from them. Add some lemon juice and then apply the mixture on your scalp. In addition to the aforementioned benefits, coconut also happens to be very effective at treating dandruff.

Egg and Oil

Eggs contain quite a number of important nutrients that the hair needs in order to grow including sulphur, protein, iron and selenium. Break a few eggs, add some olive oil and then stir. Apply the resulting mixture on your hair making sure to get every strand and most importantly; every thinning and balding area. The idea of smearing egg on your hair may sound a bit disgusting but once you start seeing the results it won’t seem so bad.


Another compound that makes up hair is a simple protein known as keratin. The more of it your body is able to produce, the easier it will be for hair to grow. Simply put, if you have been losing hair; a protein-rich diet might help improve your situation. Only go for healthy sources of protein such as eggs, lean beef, fish, chicken and soy.


Other hair loss home remedies include amla, which can either be consumed or applied to the scalp; hibiscus which can be added to coconut milk; a combination of henna and mustard oil; neem-leaf paste and a mixture of olive oil, vinegar and cinnamon powder.

All these natural home remedies will go a long way in restoring any hair that you might have lost. For the best results, it is advisable to try out more than one remedy at any given time. In particular, healthy dietary changes should be given precedence.

You should also take steps to reduce stress, and there are many ways you can achieve this, for example, through exercise and meditation. All in all, you shouldn’t go into a panic attack when one day you realize that patches of your hair are missing; rest assured that the condition can be fully reversible. Don’t forget that natural treatments are always safer than chemical treatments. And if all this seems like too much work, preparing your own formulations you can invest a little extra and try a natural hair loss treatment product like Har Vokse (it has received a number of positive comments from real customers).

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